Eicos Sciences wins FDA approval for first severe frostbite treatment

Eicos Sci­ences won FDA ap­proval on Wednes­day for the first treat­ment for se­vere frost­bite, mark­ing suc­cess in the com­pa­ny’s at­tempt to re­pur­pose a blood pres­sure drug.

Ilo­prost, brand­ed as Au­rlumyn for the frost­bite in­di­ca­tion, works by open­ing the blood ves­sels to pre­vent clot­ting. Ilo­prost was pre­vi­ous­ly ap­proved as an in­haled ver­sion in 2004 to treat pul­monary ar­te­r­i­al hy­per­ten­sion, a type of high blood pres­sure af­fect­ing the ar­ter­ies and lungs.

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