Eisai projects near-term Leqembi sales ‘considerably higher’ than analyst forecasts

Ei­sai is hop­ing to grow Leqem­bi sales 13-fold to around $360 mil­lion in fis­cal year 2024, as it plans “ag­gres­sive in­vest­ment” and looks to ex­pand its Bio­gen-part­nered Alzheimer’s drug’s mar­ket both in the US and around the world.

The new pro­jec­tion is “con­sid­er­ably high­er” than Jef­feries’ and con­sen­sus es­ti­mates, Jef­feries an­a­lysts wrote in a Wednes­day note. It comes as Ei­sai and Bio­gen an­nounced the start of a rolling sub­mis­sion for the sub­cu­ta­neous for­mu­la­tion of Leqem­bi.

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