Eli Lilly and diabetes association team up with MLB player to promote its insulin cost cap

Eli Lil­ly is ramp­ing up mar­ket­ing for its in­sulin cost sav­ings pro­gram with a new celebri­ty spokesper­son — Ma­jor League Base­ball play­er Adam Du­vall, who has type 1 di­a­betes. In part­ner­ship with Du­vall and the Amer­i­can Di­a­betes As­so­ci­a­tion, Lil­ly’s new “Tap the Cap” cam­paign wants to show peo­ple how easy it is to get in on the cost-cap­ping pro­gram.

For every In­sta­gram or Face­book post with the #Tapthe­Cap hash­tag, Lil­ly will make a con­tri­bu­tion to ADA sum­mer camps for kids liv­ing with di­a­betes. Du­vall, who cur­rent­ly plays for the Boston Red Sox, was di­ag­nosed with type 1 in 2012 and will share his sto­ry about man­ag­ing di­a­betes and sports along with shar­ing posts and pro­mot­ing the “Tap the Cap” ef­fort.

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