Eli Lilly touts PhIII mirikizumab win in Crohn’s despite woes in other conditions

Eli Lil­ly said its an­ti-in­flam­ma­to­ry med­i­cine mirik­izum­ab helped about half of peo­ple with Crohn’s dis­ease en­ter re­mis­sion af­ter one year in a Phase III study. The In­di­anapo­lis big phar­ma com­pa­ny plans to sub­mit the da­ta to the FDA next year in hopes of a mar­ket­ing ap­proval, where it would com­pete with a host of oth­er Crohn’s drugs.

In the Phase III study dubbed VIVID-1, Lil­ly test­ed mirik­izum­ab ver­sus place­bo in 1,158 peo­ple with Crohn’s, a form of in­flam­ma­to­ry bow­el dis­ease. The study con­sist­ed of a 12-week in­duc­tion pe­ri­od fol­lowed by a main­te­nance pe­ri­od through one year.

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