Eli Lilly wins preliminary injunction in Mounjaro case in drugmakers’ ongoing battle with compounding pharmacies, wellness spas

A fed­er­al judge has tem­porar­i­ly blocked a Min­neso­ta med­ical spa from us­ing Eli Lil­ly’s Moun­jaro trade­mark to ad­ver­tise com­pound­ed drugs that con­tain tirzepatide.

Eli Lil­ly and its GLP-1 ri­val No­vo Nordisk have been on a le­gal cam­paign to stop well­ness cen­ters and com­pound­ing phar­ma­cies that they be­lieve are im­prop­er­ly ad­ver­tis­ing the prod­ucts. The pre­lim­i­nary in­junc­tion marks an ear­ly win for Lil­ly, whose fast-sell­ing type 2 di­a­betes drug, al­so known as tirzepatide, was al­so re­cent­ly ap­proved un­der the brand name Zep­bound for weight man­age­ment.

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