EMA sends more questions to GLP-1 makers over possible risk of suicide, self-harm

The Eu­ro­pean Med­i­cines Agency’s safe­ty com­mit­tee on Fri­day raised more ques­tions for the mak­ers of GLP-1 weight loss drugs af­ter re­port­ed cas­es of thoughts of sui­cide and self-harm and a safe­ty sig­nal is­sued in No­vem­ber.

The com­mit­tee said it re­viewed clin­i­cal tri­als, post-mar­ket­ing sur­veil­lance and pub­lished lit­er­a­ture on the is­sue and sent ad­di­tion­al ques­tions to the ma­jor mak­ers of the drug, adding that “while at this point no con­clu­sion can be drawn on a causal as­so­ci­a­tion, there are sev­er­al is­sues that still need to be clar­i­fied.”

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