EMD Serono lays out MS therapies’ immune-system suppression risks in new campaign

EMD Serono is lean­ing on drug dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion in a new dig­i­tal and so­cial me­dia cam­paign for Maven­clad, its mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis treat­ment.

The “B Cells and RMS” cam­paign de­scribes the B cell and po­ten­tial long-term im­mune sys­tem sup­pres­sion that can oc­cur in MS pa­tients tak­ing high-ef­fi­ca­cy ther­a­pies (HET), in­clud­ing mon­o­clon­al an­ti­bod­ies like Roche’s Ocre­vus and Bio­gen’s Tysabri, and S1P mod­u­la­tors like No­var­tis’ Kes­imp­ta. Maven­clad is al­so an HET, al­though it tem­porar­i­ly sup­press­es the im­mune sys­tem.

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