Emergent commits to layoffs and C-suite trimmings, no longer focusing on CDMO activity

Emer­gent BioSo­lu­tions is mak­ing some ma­jor changes to its busi­ness and is lay­ing off hun­dreds of em­ploy­ees in the process.

On Tues­day, Emer­gent an­nounced that it is cut­ting back on its in­vest­ment and “de-em­pha­siz­ing” its growth in its CD­MO ser­vices busi­ness.

The man­u­fac­tur­er will be re­duc­ing op­er­a­tions at its Bayview fa­cil­i­ty in Bal­ti­more and its Can­ton, MA, lo­ca­tion. Emer­gent said it’s al­so do­ing a small cut to its op­er­a­tions in Rockville, MD. This is due to changes in the “vol­ume of US gov­ern­ment pro­cure­ments of med­ical coun­ter­mea­sures,” Emer­gent said in a news re­lease. The com­pa­ny said it plans to keep some op­er­a­tions go­ing at Bayview and Can­ton.

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