Emergent nabs US government contract of up to $235.8M for anthrax vaccine 

Emer­gent BioSo­lu­tions has been award­ed a con­tract worth up to $235.8 mil­lion by the US De­part­ment of De­fense to sup­ply the on­ly FDA-ap­proved an­thrax vac­cine to the US mil­i­tary.

In a five-year con­tract, Emer­gent will sup­ply its Bio­Thrax vac­cine to all branch­es of the US mil­i­tary, whose mem­bers have a high risk of ex­po­sure to an­thrax. The FDA ap­proved a five-dose Bio­Thrax vac­cine sched­ule in 2008.

The DOD con­tract ends in Sep­tem­ber 2028, but there’s an op­tion to ex­tend for an­oth­er five years to Sep­tem­ber 2033, Emer­gent said in a Thurs­day re­lease. The com­pa­ny is set to re­ceive at least $20.1 mil­lion in the first five years, with fu­ture or­ders fore­cast to be at least $20 mil­lion for each year.

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