Emergent recruits NFL Hall of Famer for Narcan opioid overdose campaign

Emer­gent BioSo­lu­tions is tak­ing its opi­oid over­dose cam­paign to col­lege foot­ball tail­gates.

The Mary­land-based com­pa­ny is show­ing up at tail­gate par­ties across the coun­try with for­mer NFL run­ning back Em­mitt Smith to raise aware­ness for signs of over­dose and demon­strate how to use its Nar­can nasal spray. The cam­paign, dubbed “Ready to Res­cue,” tar­gets 18- to 25 year-olds, which Emer­gent said is the group with the high­est rates of opi­oid mis­use and de­pen­den­cy.

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