Emergent’s newest anthrax vaccine is now FDA-approved

Emer­gent BioSo­lu­tions said its an­thrax vac­cine re­ceived full FDA ap­proval, though the com­pa­ny has pro­vid­ed dos­es of the vac­cine to the US gov­ern­ment for al­most four years un­der pre-emer­gency use au­tho­riza­tion.

Emer­gent an­nounced the news on Thurs­day, say­ing the vac­cine is now brand­ed as Cyfendus and is in­di­cat­ed for post-ex­po­sure pro­phy­lax­is af­ter sus­pect­ed or con­firmed ex­po­sure to the bac­te­ria that caus­es an­thrax, Bacil­lus an­thracis. The two-dose vac­cine is ap­proved in adults 18 to 65 years old and is giv­en in com­bi­na­tion with what Emer­gent called “rec­om­mend­ed an­tibac­te­r­i­al drugs.”

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