Enlivex’s shares cut in half after ‘biases’ cloud Ph2 cell therapy data in sepsis

En­livex Ther­a­peu­tics’ cell ther­a­py has dis­ap­point­ed in­vestors be­cause its im­pact in a mid-stage test in sep­sis was dif­fi­cult to fig­ure out. The com­pa­ny nonethe­less said its can­di­date could have po­ten­tial in sep­sis specif­i­cal­ly due to uri­nary tract in­fec­tion.

The Is­rael-based com­pa­ny is study­ing its off-the-shelf cell ther­a­py de­signed to re­store macrophage home­osta­sis. In sep­sis, macrophages are re­pro­grammed out of their home­o­sta­t­ic state, con­tribut­ing to dis­ease sever­i­ty, En­livex said.

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