ESMO embargo break leads cancer conference to release data for Bristol Myers, J&J, Novartis, AstraZeneca

A bro­ken em­bar­go on the high­est-pro­file ab­stracts at this year’s Eu­ro­pean So­ci­ety for Med­ical On­col­o­gy has forced the con­fer­ence or­ga­niz­er to re­lease da­ta from the pre­sen­ta­tions sev­er­al days ear­ly.

Tues­day’s de­ci­sion by ES­MO was made ahead of the on­col­o­gy meet­ing in Madrid this week­end. Con­fer­ence or­ga­niz­ers said the call was made to re­lease the late-break­ing ab­stracts to “en­sure fair and eq­ui­table ac­cess to all da­ta to all rel­e­vant par­ties.”

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