Esteve to acquire Perrigo’s rare disease pharma business for up to $295M

Per­ri­go an­nounced Thurs­day that Barcelona-based phar­ma com­pa­ny Es­teve Health­care has agreed to pur­chase its three rare dis­ease drug as­sets for as much as €275 mil­lion ($295 mil­lion).

The mar­ket­ed ther­a­pies for Cush­ing’s syn­drome and adreno­cor­ti­cal car­ci­no­ma — Metopirone, Ke­to­cona­zole and Lyso­dren — will be sold for an up­front cash pay­ment of €190 mil­lion ($203 mil­lion) and up to €85 mil­lion ($92 mil­lion) in po­ten­tial sales-based mile­stones.

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