EuroAPI halts production at Italian site as quality control issues due to ‘potential’ misconduct come to light

Eu­roAPI is paus­ing all pro­duc­tion at its site in Brin­disi, Italy, caus­ing Sanofi’s API spin­off to de­lay its 2024 guid­ance un­til the sec­ond quar­ter.

“Fol­low­ing an in­ter­nal au­dit, qual­i­ty con­trol de­fi­cien­cies due to po­ten­tial lo­cal mis­con­duct have been iden­ti­fied and are be­ing fur­ther in­ves­ti­gat­ed,” the com­pa­ny said in a Thurs­day re­lease. “Pro­duc­tion will re­main sus­pend­ed un­til fur­ther no­tice. The rel­e­vant health au­thor­i­ties have been in­formed. The com­pa­ny has ini­ti­at­ed a foren­sic au­dit and will in­form its cus­tomers.”

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