Europe revokes one of Moderna’s Covid vaccine patents following opposition from BioNTech, Pfizer

In the Eu­ro­pean bat­tle­field of mR­NA lit­i­ga­tion, Mod­er­na took a blow af­ter the Eu­ro­pean Patent Of­fice de­clared one of its patents cov­er­ing its Covid-19 vac­cine in­valid ear­li­er this month fol­low­ing law­suits against BioN­Tech and Pfiz­er in mul­ti­ple coun­tries.

The ‘565 patent cov­ered “res­pi­ra­to­ry virus vac­cines,” in­clud­ing vac­cines for MERS and SARS, ac­cord­ing to the claim in the Eu­ro­pean Patent Of­fice.

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