European AI startup raises $24M for protein design software service

A Eu­ro­pean start­up is bet­ting that drug com­pa­nies big and small will look to out­source ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence ex­per­tise that can help de­sign new pro­tein-based med­i­cines.

Cra­dle said Mon­day that it raised $24 mil­lion in Se­ries A fund­ing to re­fine its gen­er­a­tive AI soft­ware for con­coct­ing new pro­teins or im­prov­ing ex­ist­ing ones. And rather than build­ing an in­ter­nal pipeline of drug pro­grams, Cra­dle is square­ly a soft­ware-as-a-ser­vice com­pa­ny, CEO and co-founder Stef van Grieken told End­points News.

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