European Commission spells out new proposals for health technology assessments

The Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion is en­cour­ag­ing mem­ber coun­tries to work to­geth­er more ef­fec­tive­ly on as­sess­ing and pay­ing for new ther­a­pies and health tech­nolo­gies with a pro­pos­al it pub­lished Tues­day.

The 18-page pro­posed rule sets out to es­tab­lish prac­tices to en­sure that EU-lev­el as­sess­ments of new prod­ucts are ef­fi­cient and done with the rel­e­vant ex­per­tise. The EC is ac­cept­ing com­ments on the draft rule un­til April 5.

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