European Parliament adopts pharma legislative revamp by wide margin

Mem­bers of the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment on Wednes­day vot­ed over­whelm­ing­ly in fa­vor of the first phar­ma-re­lat­ed leg­isla­tive over­haul in about two decades. If ul­ti­mate­ly agreed to by the Eu­ro­pean Coun­cil, the leg­isla­tive pack­age will pave the way for slight­ly short­er reg­u­la­to­ry da­ta pro­tec­tion pe­ri­ods and new re­wards to en­tice fur­ther in­vest­ment.

The new di­rec­tive and reg­u­la­tion, tar­get­ed at mak­ing Eu­rope a more at­trac­tive des­ti­na­tion for drug­mak­ers, would make phar­ma com­pa­nies el­i­gi­ble for a min­i­mum reg­u­la­to­ry da­ta pro­tec­tion pe­ri­od — where oth­er com­pa­nies can’t ac­cess their prod­uct da­ta — of sev­en and a half years. They’d al­so re­ceive two years of mar­ket pro­tec­tion dur­ing which gener­ics or biosim­i­lars couldn’t be sold.

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