European Parliament to dig into pharma legislative revision next week

The Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment’s pub­lic health com­mit­tee will meet next Tues­day to dis­cuss and vote on long-await­ed leg­isla­tive fix­es meant to en­cour­age more bio­phar­ma in­vest­ment across the EU.

The re­forms were first un­veiled last April, and com­pa­nies that pro­vide ac­cess to their med­i­cines in all Eu­ro­pean mem­ber states would be re­ward­ed with two ex­tra years of da­ta pro­tec­tion. But in­dus­try groups like EF­PIA have tak­en is­sue with the re­vi­sion, ar­gu­ing it would ef­fec­tive­ly pe­nal­ize com­pa­nies that can­not make a med­i­cine avail­able across the con­ti­nent with­in two years of launch.

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