Eversana to work with patient social network to help pharma speed time to diagnosis and treatment

Ever­sana and My­HealthTeam are pair­ing the for­mer’s com­mer­cial­iza­tion ex­per­tise with the lat­ter’s ded­i­cat­ed pa­tient so­cial net­works to get pa­tients to quick­er di­ag­noses and treat­ments on be­half of phar­ma clients.

“What we’re try­ing to do is re­duce the time it takes for a pa­tient to go from symp­toms to ac­tu­al­ly get­ting treat­ment down to weeks. Cur­rent­ly, it can be years, vary­ing from per­son to per­son, from ex­pe­ri­enc­ing symp­toms to get­ting treat­ment,” said My­HealthTeam co-founder and CEO Er­ic Pea­cock.

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