Exclusive: 10x Genomics CEO touts ‘incredible traction’ with newest launch, shipping over 100 spatial biology analyzers

10x Ge­nomics has seen “in­cred­i­ble trac­tion” with its newest prod­uct, Xe­ni­um, ship­ping over 100 an­a­lyz­ers since launch­ing less than a year ago, CEO Serge Sax­onov told End­points News.

The mile­stone, an­nounced Tues­day, is the lat­est sign of speedy adop­tion in re­searchers us­ing new spa­tial bi­ol­o­gy tools to peer in­side of cells. Xe­ni­um acts like a mol­e­c­u­lar mi­cro­scope, Sax­onov said, vi­su­al­iz­ing how mol­e­cules are or­ga­nized in­side a tis­sue sam­ple. Since launch­ing last De­cem­ber, 10x’s newest in­stru­ment has out­per­formed the com­pa­ny and Wall Street’s ex­pec­ta­tions.

Endpoints News

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