Exclusive: A longtime VC takes on his own rare disease as Sanofi, Boehringer commit $80M to launch new platform study

Over three decades of in­vest­ing, Luke Evnin has backed and ad­vised dozens of biotechs de­vel­op­ing med­i­cines. Now, the long­time VC is turn­ing his know-how and in­dus­try con­tacts loose on his own rare dis­ease.

The re­sult is a first-of-its-kind Phase IIb tri­al in scle­ro­der­ma, with the study re­cent­ly win­ning the FDA’s OK to be­gin, Evnin ex­clu­sive­ly told End­points News. The study us­es a plat­form de­sign, mean­ing mul­ti­ple drugs will be test­ed against a shared place­bo group. Ad­di­tion­al treat­ments can al­so be added to the tri­al as it pro­gress­es.

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