Exclusive: After CureVac, Igor Splawski moves to RTW stealth startup; Lyndra’s Jessica Ballinger adds CEO title amid commercial prep

A chunky chain neck­lace, match­ing ear­rings, and a flo­ral shirt with a dozen col­ors — that’s Ig­or Splaws­ki.

The for­mer chief sci­en­tist at Cure­Vac has tak­en his RNA ex­per­tise — and fash­ion — to RTW In­vest­ments’ stealth start­up Yarrow Biotech­nol­o­gy, be­com­ing its new CSO. Yarrow, just like RTW, is based in New York City. The ear­ly-stage biotech is de­vel­op­ing an­ti­sense oligonu­cleotide treat­ments for mono­genic CNS dis­eases, though it won’t dis­close ex­act­ly what in­di­ca­tions it’s look­ing at.

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