Exclusive: Alphabet’s Isomorphic inks first pharma deals with Eli Lilly and Novartis for $83M upfront, $2.9B in milestones

Iso­mor­phic Labs, Al­pha­bet’s close­ly watched AI start­up, has signed its first phar­ma part­ner­ships, and will work with Eli Lil­ly and No­var­tis in deals that could be worth $3 bil­lion, CEO Demis Has­s­abis ex­clu­sive­ly told End­points News.

Since its found­ing in No­vem­ber 2021, Iso­mor­phic has quick­ly be­come a lead­ing fig­ure in the fast-grow­ing AI biotech space. The Al­pha­bet sub­sidiary is ap­ply­ing Google Deep­Mind’s bi­ol­o­gy re­search — par­tic­u­lar­ly its pro­tein-struc­ture pre­dict­ing mod­el Al­phaFold — to drug dis­cov­ery. Has­s­abis is CEO of Google Deep­Mind, where he over­sees Al­pha­bet’s AI ef­forts, as well as CEO of Iso­mor­phic, which now em­ploys about 90 peo­ple across its Lon­don head­quar­ters and an of­fice in Lau­sanne, Switzer­land.

Endpoints News

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