Exclusive: Backed with $350M, secretive startup Metsera jumps into the obesity race

Fund­ed with $350 mil­lion from top-tier VCs and led by a vet­er­an phar­ma CEO, a new obe­si­ty start­up called Met­sera has been qui­et­ly build­ing plans to get mul­ti­ple drugs in­to the clin­ic over the next two years, End­points News has ex­clu­sive­ly learned.

Met­sera’s CEO is Clive Mean­well, the for­mer chief ex­ec­u­tive of The Med­i­cines Com­pa­ny. The com­pa­ny was in­cor­po­rat­ed in 2022 by Pop­u­la­tion Health Part­ners, an in­vest­ment firm start­ed in 2020 by Mean­well and for­mer Pfiz­er CEO Ian Read.

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