Exclusive: Briggs Morrison’s Crossbow Therapeutics nabs $80M from MPM, Pfizer Ventures, Lilly in hunt for better cancer drugs

Brig­gs Mor­ri­son is ready to take on can­cer with a new ar­se­nal of an­ti­bod­ies that his biotech hopes will be more pre­cise and tu­mor-killing than pre­vi­ous im­munother­a­pies.

Cross­bow Ther­a­peu­tics has reeled in an $80 mil­lion Se­ries A led by founder MPM BioIm­pact along­side Pfiz­er Ven­tures, with funds al­so com­ing from Eli Lil­ly, Po­laris Part­ners, BVF Part­ners and Mi­rae.

MPM’s Patrick Baeuer­le, Todd Fo­ley and Geral­dine Paulus found­ed the Cam­bridge, MA-based biotech to make new ther­a­pies that go af­ter the pep­tide-loaded ma­jor his­to­com­pat­i­bil­i­ty com­plex­es, or pMHCs, on can­cer cells. They’re specif­i­cal­ly go­ing af­ter in­tra­cel­lu­lar can­cer tar­gets, even se­cret­ed pro­teins, which Cross­bow hopes will broad­en the reach of an­ti­bod­ies, said Mor­ri­son, the CEO.

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