Exclusive: Column Group raises a new $400M+ fund and R&D hub for single-asset biologics companies

As the biotech in­dus­try grap­ples with how to fund drug de­vel­op­ment in a world of in­creas­ing re­search costs, ris­ing drug prices and gov­ern­ment-re­lat­ed risk, a lega­cy in­vestor is tak­ing a dif­fer­ent ap­proach for its 10th fund.

The Col­umn Group told End­points News ex­clu­sive­ly on Thurs­day that it has raised over $400 mil­lion for a new fund to back sin­gle-as­set bi­o­log­ic com­pa­nies de­rived from its ex­ten­sive Rolodex of re­searchers and en­tre­pre­neurs. The fund will bring the group’s as­sets un­der man­age­ment to around $4 bil­lion.

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