Exclusive: CSO George Yancopoulos talks Regeneron’s next chapter of genetics, weight loss drugs, and Alzheimer’s

TAR­RY­TOWN, NY — Thir­ty-five years since they found­ed Re­gen­eron, the two out­spo­ken New York­ers atop the com­pa­ny are look­ing be­yond its vaunt­ed an­ti­body ex­per­tise as they plan for the next era.

While an­ti­body drugs such as Dupix­ent and Eylea have got­ten the most at­ten­tion, CEO Len Schleifer and CSO George Yan­copou­los have placed in­creas­ing­ly larg­er bets on ge­net­ics over the last decade. The Tar­ry­town, NY-based biotech has se­quenced over two mil­lion hu­man genomes while strik­ing a range of part­ner­ships to de­vel­op RNA- and DNA-mod­i­fy­ing ther­a­pies. Re­gen­eron re­cent­ly ac­quired Deci­bel Ther­a­peu­tics for its gene ther­a­py work, while it’s co-lead­ing clin­i­cal pro­grams with Al­ny­lam and In­tel­lia Ther­a­peu­tics, re­spec­tive­ly, us­ing RNA in­ter­fer­ence and CRISPR gene-edit­ing tech­nolo­gies.

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