Exclusive: Dupixent in a pill? Startup Insamo will try to turn blockbuster biologics into orals

A new biotech start­up launched Wednes­day to ad­vance a “Goldilocks” ther­a­peu­tic modal­i­ty that could turn some of the in­dus­try’s most lu­cra­tive drugs in­to pills.

Berke­ley, CA-head­quar­tered In­samo was found­ed in 2022 by a trio of PhD sci­en­tists, who have raised a $12 mil­lion seed round that in­cludes in­vestors like ven­Bio and Play­ground Glob­al, CEO Tim Craven told End­points News ex­clu­sive­ly. The board in­cludes Play­ground’s ven­ture part­ner Matt Her­shen­son and is chaired by ven­Bio man­ag­ing part­ner Corey Good­man.

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