Exclusive: GSK revamps its research strategy, building three teams to target specific disease spaces

GSK is shak­ing up the way it does re­search and cre­at­ed three unique teams ze­ro­ing in on vac­cines and in­fec­tious dis­eases, res­pi­ra­to­ry and im­munol­o­gy, and on­col­o­gy. The changes went live Mon­day.

Kaivan Kha­van­di is re­join­ing GSK from Benev­o­len­tAI to lead the res­pi­ra­to­ry and im­munol­o­gy re­search team. Phil Dor­mitzer, GSK’s se­nior vice pres­i­dent and glob­al head of vac­cines R&D, will broad­en his re­mit by al­so cov­er­ing in­fec­tious dis­eases. And GSK’s se­nior vice pres­i­dent glob­al head for on­col­o­gy de­vel­op­ment, He­s­ham Ab­dul­lah, will stay on as the on­col­o­gy lead.

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