Exclusive: Included Health makes layoffs as CEO targets ‘narrower’ leadership, staff and spending

A vir­tu­al care and nav­i­ga­tion com­pa­ny that serves em­ploy­ees of gi­ants like Wal­mart and Ama­zon has laid off un­der 6% of its staff, End­points News has learned.

In­clud­ed Health co-founder and CEO Owen Tripp an­nounced the re­cent cuts on Jan. 23 in a memo to staff, cit­ing a need to ac­cel­er­ate growth and a com­mit­ment to achiev­ing fi­nan­cial in­de­pen­dence.

“Over the last sev­er­al months, I’ve talked quite a bit about the trans­for­ma­tion­al mo­ment we’re in now, our un­wa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to achiev­ing fi­nan­cial in­de­pen­dence, and what comes next,” he said in the memo, which was re­viewed by End­points. “This new struc­ture will cre­ate nar­row­er lead­er­ship, nar­row­er projects and nar­row­er bud­gets.”

Endpoints News

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