Exclusive: Kimia Therapeutics secures $55M to supercharge co-founder’s platform, create ‘next-generation Carmot’

Stig Hansen and his team are look­ing to repli­cate the suc­cess they had with Car­mot Ther­a­peu­tics, but un­der a dif­fer­ent name with the same mean­ing in an­oth­er lan­guage and a “su­per­charged” ap­proach to their drug dis­cov­ery plat­form.

Hansen spun out Kimia Ther­a­peu­tics and brought a hand­ful of em­ploy­ees with him in Jan­u­ary af­ter co-found­ing and lead­ing Car­mot for near­ly 15 years. Car­mot’s plat­form helped lay the foun­da­tion to de­vel­op Am­gen’s can­cer drug Lumakras, and then the com­pa­ny mold­ed its in­ter­nal pipeline in­to clin­i­cal-stage obe­si­ty and di­a­betes drug can­di­dates.

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