Exclusive: Nocion raises $62M for different approach to chronic cough than Merck, GSK

In the mid­dle of 2023, Richard Baty­cky told a cou­ple of his fel­low ex­ec­u­tives at No­cion Ther­a­peu­tics to con­sid­er look­ing for roles else­where. He wasn’t sure the biotech would weath­er a dif­fi­cult fund­ing land­scape.

Then, as the CEO was prepar­ing for a va­ca­tion, a term sheet from an in­vestor came through. Signs of a brighter day were ahead and Baty­cky would spend the next sev­er­al months pulling to­geth­er a $62 mil­lion Se­ries B to fund No­cion’s in­haled chron­ic cough can­di­date NTX-1175, which will now be known un­der the name ta­plu­ca­ni­um, he told End­points News in an ex­clu­sive in­ter­view.

Endpoints News

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