Exclusive: Optum is shutting down its virtual care business

Unit­ed­Health Group’s Op­tum is shut­ting down its vir­tu­al care busi­ness, End­points News has learned.

Known as Op­tum Vir­tu­al Care, the busi­ness pro­vides on­line ur­gent and pri­ma­ry care vis­its and pre­scrip­tion re­fills, and was a ma­jor part of Op­tum’s push in­to tele­health ser­vices in 2021, as Covid-19 ac­cel­er­at­ed the in­dus­try’s adop­tion of vir­tu­al ser­vices. The shut­down rais­es ques­tions about how Unit­ed­Health is think­ing about its vir­tu­al strat­e­gy.

Endpoints News

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