Exclusive: Pharmacy adherence startup Sempre Health raises $20M

Health tech start­up Sem­pre Health just raised fresh fund­ing for its ap­proach to help­ing pa­tients pay for and stay on their med­ica­tions.

The San Fran­cis­co-based start­up said Wednes­day it raised $20 mil­lion from new in­vestors, in­clud­ing Echo Health Ven­tures and Cen­co­ra Ven­tures. (Cen­co­ra is the new name of Amerisource­Ber­gen.) The un­named fund­ing round comes about two years af­ter Sem­pre raised a $15 mil­lion Se­ries B round led by Blue Ven­ture Fund. In to­tal, the start­up has raised about $46 mil­lion.

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