Exclusive: Reid Huber reunites with former Incyte colleague Wenqing Yao, backs Synnovation with $102M for three trials

Af­ter spend­ing near­ly 20 years to­geth­er in lead­er­ship roles at In­cyte, help­ing bring to mar­ket five med­i­cines, Wen­qing Yao and Reid Hu­ber are re­unit­ing on a new biotech ven­ture that will en­ter the clin­ic in the next few weeks.

The mis­sion is quite per­son­al for Yao, who’s a can­cer sur­vivor of al­most 10 years. He’s al­so lost both par­ents, a few cousins and a close col­league to can­cer.

With that, Yao’s new biotech, Syn­no­va­tion Ther­a­peu­tics, aims to make best-in-class med­i­cines that im­prove up­on cur­rent treat­ment class­es, start­ing with PARP1 in­hibitors, PI3K al­pha and a third undis­closed tar­get. The Wilm­ing­ton, DE-based biotech will have three small mol­e­cule drugs in the clin­ic around this time next year, Yao, Syn­no­va­tion’s CEO, told End­points News in an in­ter­view.

Endpoints News

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