Exclusive: Sanofi to close Dutch NK cell therapy biotech acquired in 2020

Sanofi is part­ing ways with the nat­ur­al killer cell com­pa­ny Kiadis, three and a half years af­ter buy­ing it for $357 mil­lion.

The move was qui­et­ly an­nounced via an April 8 up­date to a clin­i­cal tri­al for SAR445419, an off-the-shelf nat­ur­al killer cell ther­a­py in de­vel­op­ment for re­lapsed/re­frac­to­ry acute myeloid leukemia. The Phase 1 study was ap­par­ent­ly ter­mi­nat­ed due to a “di­vest­ment of Kiadis,” per the up­date to the US clin­i­cal tri­als data­base.

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