Exclusive: Siduma, a biotech from Arvinas’ scientific founder, shutters due to ‘financing environment’

Sidu­ma Ther­a­peu­tics, a Yale spin­out from Arv­inas sci­en­tif­ic founder Craig Crews, has closed, a spokesper­son for the com­pa­ny con­firmed to End­points News via email Thurs­day.

“In re­sponse to the chal­leng­ing fund­ing en­vi­ron­ment for ear­ly-stage sci­ence, Sidu­ma Ther­a­peu­tics’ lead­er­ship has made the dif­fi­cult de­ci­sion to sus­pend op­er­a­tions and re­turn in­vest­ment back to our share­hold­ers,” the spokesper­son wrote.

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