Exelixis, Teva reach settlement on Cabometyx patent dispute

Ex­elix­is has set­tled a patent dis­pute over Te­va’s at­tempt to mar­ket a gener­ic ver­sion of its block­buster can­cer drug Cabome­tyx, push­ing gener­ic com­pe­ti­tion in­to the next decade.

The set­tle­ment re­solves a case brought by Ex­elix­is in Delaware fed­er­al court over a patent that ex­pires in 2032 and cov­ers process­es to make com­pounds con­tain­ing quino­lines, a type of or­gan­ic com­pound. As part of the deal, Ex­elix­is has agreed to give Te­va a li­cense to mar­ket its gener­ic ver­sion on Jan. 1, 2031, pend­ing FDA ap­proval, Ex­elix­is an­nounced Sun­day.

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