Experts applaud Amylyx for keeping its promise to withdraw ALS drug Relyvrio after trial failure

When Amy­lyx brought its ALS drug be­fore the FDA in 2022, the biotech faced ques­tions about what it would do if a cru­cial Phase 3 tri­al failed.

On Thurs­day, the com­pa­ny an­nounced that it would pull the drug from the mar­ket less than a month af­ter it failed to show that it slowed the dis­ease bet­ter than a place­bo. It’s a blow to Amy­lyx, which will let go about 70% of its work­force, but the move is earn­ing praise for fol­low­ing through on its promise from 2022 that it would do “what’s right for pa­tients,” as co-CEO Justin Klee pledged at the time.

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