Exscientia ends cancer study as it focuses on other trials of AI-driven drug candidates

AI drug dis­cov­ery and de­vel­op­ment com­pa­ny Ex­sci­en­tia is stop­ping a sol­id tu­mor tri­al as it re­fo­cus­es its in­ter­nal pipeline amid plans to ink an­oth­er part­ner­ship deal “by the end of this year,” CEO An­drew Hop­kins told End­points News.

The Ox­ford, UK-based biotech will end a Phase Ib/IIa tri­al of its oral cap­sule EXS21546 in com­bi­na­tion with Bris­tol My­ers Squibb’s Op­di­vo, Ex­sci­en­tia said Tues­day morn­ing. The com­pa­ny said it will ex­plore po­ten­tial part­ner­ships for fol­low-up com­pounds it cre­at­ed for the A2A mech­a­nism, not­ing “it will be chal­leng­ing for ‘546 to reach a suit­able ther­a­peu­tic in­dex.”

Endpoints News

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