Failed trials for 16 IGF-1R inhibitors and $1.6B later: Time for better preclinical models?

New re­search pub­lished Fri­day in JA­MA Net­work Open es­ti­mates that up­wards of $50 bil­lion to $60 bil­lion is spent an­nu­al­ly by bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies on failed on­col­o­gy tri­als.

The au­thors from the Lon­don School of Eco­nom­ics and Uni­ver­si­ty of Ed­in­burgh looked specif­i­cal­ly at 16 po­ten­tial can­cer drugs, all in­hibitors of IGF-1R, which un­der­went 183 clin­i­cal tri­als in more than 12,000 pa­tients from 2003 to 2021.

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