‘Faster together’: AstraZeneca breaks into clinical services business with new company launch, lining up two CRO partners to start 

LON­DON — As­traZeneca has launched a new glob­al health tech busi­ness, Evi­no­va, af­ter see­ing a gap in the mar­ket to re­duce the time and cost of clin­i­cal tri­als while mak­ing the process eas­i­er for pa­tients.

Fi­nan­cial­ly backed by As­traZeneca but op­er­at­ing as a sep­a­rate busi­ness, Evi­no­va will pro­vide glob­al ser­vices to CROs and phar­ma com­pa­nies to de­sign, run and mon­i­tor clin­i­cal tri­als. Evi­no­va will charge cus­tomers for ac­cess to its tech, op­er­at­ing on a rev­enue-based mod­el.

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