FDA approves Amgen’s T cell engager in aggressive form of lung cancer

The FDA on Thurs­day grant­ed ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval to Am­gen’s bis­pe­cif­ic T cell en­gager tar­latam­ab in small cell lung can­cer, an ag­gres­sive dis­ease that makes up rough­ly 10% to 15% of lung can­cer cas­es.

It’s the first bis­pe­cif­ic T cell en­gager to be ap­proved for a ma­jor sol­id tu­mor, ac­cord­ing to Am­gen. The FDA ap­proved the treat­ment for pa­tients with ex­ten­sive-stage small cell lung can­cer whose dis­ease pro­gressed de­spite chemother­a­py.

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