FDA approves AstraZeneca, Ionis’ ATTR drug as showdown with Alnylam heats up

The FDA on Thurs­day ap­proved Io­n­is and As­traZeneca’s treat­ment for a fa­tal neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­ease as the pair joins a space long dom­i­nat­ed by Al­ny­lam’s siR­NA med­i­cines.

US reg­u­la­tors grant­ed ap­proval to eplon­ter­sen for hered­i­tary transthyretin-me­di­at­ed amy­loid polyneu­ropa­thy, or AT­TRv-PN. Al­ny­lam al­ready has two drugs ap­proved to treat the dis­ease.

Eplon­ter­sen, which will be brand­ed as Wain­ua (pro­nounced way-NOO-uh), will be priced “con­sis­tent” with what’s al­ready on the mar­ket, As­traZeneca se­nior VP Mi­na Makar told End­points News. He de­clined to spec­i­fy the ex­act price.

Endpoints News

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