FDA approves GSK’s JAK inhibitor for rare blood cancer after three-month delay

The FDA ap­proved a new JAK in­hibitor, mo­melo­tinib, from GSK for adults with the rare bone mar­row can­cer myelofi­bro­sis who al­so have ane­mia. The ap­proval marks a ma­jor turn­around for the drug, which had failed ear­li­er stud­ies and was dumped by Gilead for a mere $3 mil­lion in 2018.

Mo­melo­tinib will be mar­ket­ed as Oj­jaara and the whole­sale ac­qui­si­tion cost for a 30-tablet bot­tle will be $26,900, GSK an­nounced Fri­day.

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