FDA approves Merck’s rare PAH drug at center of $11.5B Acceleron deal

The FDA on Tues­day cleared Mer­ck’s pul­monary ar­te­r­i­al hy­per­ten­sion treat­ment, which could quick­ly be­come a block­buster for the New Jer­sey phar­ma gi­ant.

Mer­ck will mar­ket so­tater­cept as Win­re­vair.

The con­di­tion im­pacts about 40,000 peo­ple in the US, and about 43% of pa­tients die with­in five years of di­ag­no­sis, said Eli­av Barr, chief med­ical of­fi­cer at Mer­ck Re­search Lab­o­ra­to­ries, in an in­ter­view with End­points News be­fore the ap­proval.

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