FDA approves Taiho’s Lonsurf with bevacizumab for metastatic colorectal cancer

The FDA on Wednes­day ap­proved Tai­ho On­col­o­gy’s Lon­surf (tri­fluri­dine and tipiracil) with be­va­cizum­ab for metasta­t­ic col­orec­tal can­cer (mCRC) in those who were pre­vi­ous­ly treat­ed with flu­o­ropy­rim­i­dine-, ox­ali­platin- and irinote­can-based chemother­a­py, an an­ti-VEGF bi­o­log­i­cal ther­a­py, and if RAS wild-type, an an­ti-EGFR ther­a­py.

The ap­proval, which came 11 days ahead of its PDU­FA date, comes al­most eight years af­ter the agency ap­proved sin­gle-agent Lon­surf for the same in­di­ca­tion.

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