FDA approves Verrica’s skin infection treatment, enters into non-binding term sheet for $125M loan

Ver­ri­ca Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ drug-de­vice com­bi­na­tion prod­uct is now the first FDA-ap­proved treat­ment for mol­lus­cum con­ta­gio­sum, a com­mon skin in­fec­tion.

On Fri­day the FDA ap­proved Ycanth, a top­i­cal treat­ment ad­min­is­tered by a health­care provider, for both adults and chil­dren aged 2 years and old­er. The com­pa­ny al­so an­nounced on Mon­day that it en­tered in­to a non-bind­ing term sheet for up to $125 mil­lion in debt fi­nanc­ing to sup­port the launch of Ycanth, or can­tharidin.

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